Early Childhood Screening
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth.
Preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 4 years old need to participate in screening before entering Preschool or Kindergarten.
Early childhood developmental screening helps a school district identify children who may benefit from district and community resources available to help in their development. Early childhood developmental screening includes a vision screening that helps detect potential eye problems but is not a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam.
Forms to bring to your child's screening appointment:
- Early Childhood Screening Consent
- Registration for Early Childhood Screening
- Health and Development
- Early Childhood Screening Release of Information
- Hearing and Vision
- ASQ Social Emotional Questionnaire 36 months+ (Ages 3.0-3.4)
- ASQ Social Emotional Questionnaire 48 months+ (Ages 3.5-4.4)
- ASQ Social Emotional Questionnaire 60 months+ (Ages 4.5-6.5)
Please also bring: - Copy of your child’s birth certificate
- Copy of your child’s immunization records
At your screening appointment, staff will check your child's:
- Vision
- Hearing
- Growth
- Immunization status
- Skills in thinking, communication and language
- Skills in large and small motor control
- Skills in social and emotional development