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District Staff Development Goals

2023-24 District Staff Development Goals

  • Provide staff and site-based teams with opportunities to develop leadership skills so that they are better skilled to make instructional and organizational decisions based on and driven by data.
  • Provide staff with support, knowledge, and skills to integrate and better use technology into the curriculum and content areas.
  • Support new teachers through the teacher induction program.
  • Support the curriculum review cycle by providing the resources for quality professional development and the resources to improve instruction.
  • Continue to support the Professional Learning Community (PLC) structure.


2023-24 Site-Level Staff Development Goals

     Lakeview Elementary Staff Development Goals

    • Same as District Goals.
    • Provide support and time for grade-level teachers to meet collaboratively
    • Provide training and funds for technology integration into their classrooms
    • Provide training and support for LETRS training
    • Provide training and support on standards-based grading
    • Professional development for Read Act Legislation

    Lakeview High School Staff Development Goals

    • Same as District Goals.
    • Provide training and funds for technology integration into their classroom and content areas
    • Provide staff training and time for standards review in their content area
    • Provide training and support for Reac Act Legislation
    • Provide training and support on standards-based grading
    • Provide support for writing in the content areas