Teacher Evaluation
The Teacher Evaluation and Growth plan currently in place at Lakeview, including all processes and guidelines contained within the plan were developed as part of a collaborative process between representatives of Education Minnesota-Lakeview (EM-Lakeview), Lakeview Administration, and the Lakeview School Board.
The information contained in the plan denotes compliance with Minn. Stat §122A.40 (2012) and Minn. Stat. 122A.41 (2012).
The sections identified in the plan (accessed by clicking on the link below) are introduced with a reference to the applicable Minnesota Statute.
Individuals working together to implement this plan are members of the Lakeview Teacher Evaluation Planning Committee. These members are:
Corey Boe – Elementary Principal/Curriculum Director
Erin Geary – 2nd GradeTeacher/Peer Observer
Wendy Best – Special Education Teacher/Peer Observer
Chris Sieling – Junior High Math Teacher
Beth Kesteloot – Fourth Grade Teacher
Andrew Dallmann – Sixth Grade Teacher
Scott Hanson – High School Principal/D.A.C.
Chris Fenske – Superintendent of Schools
Jason Louwagie – Board Chair
Subsequent to completion of the proposed processes and plans, Education Minnesota-Lakeview and the Lakeview School Board, respectively, conducted a vote of their respective memberships to determine approval of this Teacher Evaluation and Growth plan. The votes were conducted on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 by Education Minnesota-Lakeview and approved on April 21, 2014 by the Lakeview School Board. A majority of the members in each entity approved this Teacher Evaluation and Growth plan. This plan was revised in the summer of 2022 and the revised plan was approved the Q-Comp Council and will be implemented beginning with the 2022-23 school year.
Consequently, this plan will be enforced throughout the 2023-24 school year and will be reviewed thereafter. The Teacher Growth and Development Plan may be accessed by clicking on the link below.