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Health Office

Health Office News - Updated 10/3/2024

Spanish (Espanol)



The Health Office is located in the Elementary Office and is generally open during normal school hours and days. Health Forms can be emailed or dropped off at the school offices. 



ILLNESS:  Please keep your children home if they are not feeling well.  

When to send your student back to school?  Read our Infection Control Guidelines. 

Stay home until symptoms have significantly improved.

AND you can effectively participate in the school day.
AND, and you are fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medications.

COVID Home Kits will NOT be provided by the State/School this year.


When you call in to the office, make sure you let them know what symptoms or illness the child is having so that we can track what is going through our school.  


VACCINES:  Are due before START of Preschool, Kindergarten, 7th grade, and 11th Grade. 

If you are behind schedule, get them done now!

·         Required by law to attend school: (Unless you have an Exemption on File in the Health Office)

·         Vaccines are checked throughout the school year, so keep them current.

·         Bring your child to their Health Care Provider around their birthday every year for a wellness exam and to update their vaccines. 

·         Vaccines help prevent life-threatening diseases. 

·         Immunization Resources:

How to access your MIIC Immunization Record 

What immunizations are required to attend school?


There are 2 forms that need to be completed EVERY year for EVERY Student for the health office.


The Student Health Form and the Parent/Guardian Approval Statement For Over the Counter Medications.


HEALTH FORMS are available on the Lakeview Health Office Website.

There are hard copies available in the Elementary Office (Health Office).

If you complete (ed) the [OLR] ON LINE REGISTRATION through ParentVUE then you have already completed the 2 mandatory forms electronically.


Other forms and requirements that are needed for certain medical conditions.


SIGNIFICANT ALLERGIES need an EMERGENCY CARE PLAN AND if that allergy is a food, then it ALSO needs a SPECIAL DIET REQUEST FORM and a doctor’s order. MAJOR MEDICAL ISSUES require yearly updates (notes)/orders from their doctor’s. Particularly if there is care needed at school.   The Parent/Guardian is responsible for obtaining/completing/turning in the required records, orders, medications, supplies, etc.


A Medication Administration Form must be completed for all medications left in the Health Office.


Bring to the health office over-the-counter medications for your children.  Particularly if they are prone to indigestion, headaches, allergy congestion, eczema, hives, etc. If your child is not seriously ill, giving your child the same medication, they normally get at home can help them stay in school.


 RESPONSIBLE Junior High and High School students may keep small amounts of over-the-counter medications on them, if the parent signs both the top and BOTTOM portion of The Parent/Guardian Approval Statement For Over the Counter Medications form.



Keep extra clothes in your student's locker &/or bag.  I recommend at least pants, underwear, and socks for all ages.  Clothes rip, get wet or dirty, and stain in awkward spots.  Better to have extra on hand just in case. 


Accepting donations of new or gently used pants and underwear of all school age sizes to stock in the Health Office.  Youth Small, Medium, Large for boys and girls are needed most, but we do use all sizes through XXL in adults.  Please also consider donating gallon-sized buckets for use in the health office and in classrooms for when kids get sick.  The school could also use another wheel-chair or 2 if anyone has one.





Where Healthy Children are Better Learners