The Infection Control Guidelines help to slow the spread of infection. Keep your kids home when they are sick. They should stay home until they have been fever free for 24 hours and virtually symptom free.
Complete this form for prescription or over-the-counter medications you would like to be kept and given at school. The second page of the form should be completed yearly by all parents unless they completed it already during registration.
For students with ANY allergy other than seasonal allergies. This includes food, medication, and environmental allergies.
Students with asthma must have a New Asthma Action Plan on file in the Health Office Yearly. The provider may send us an Action Plan OR you may use the Action Plan form. If the student is going to carry an inhaler on them, the Self Administer form needs to be completed. The provider can sign this form or send an order for the student to self-administer their medication. The parents, still need to complete and sign the Self-Administer form.
Fill out if the student has special diet requirements. Requires provider's signature. It needs to be updated when diet changes.
To be completed yearly or as needed to update the student's health history. This may have already been done with registration.
Use this form to identify which vaccines are needed prior to preschool, Kindegarten, 7th Grade, and 11th grade.
Use to update vaccines or to file an exemption.
Use esta tabla como una guía para determinar qué vacunas se requieren para la inscripción en cuidado infantil, programas para la primera infancia y la escuela (en línea, educación en la casa, pública o privada)